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  • The property is incorrectly named

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    If the latter, try renaming the property - 'Domitian as Caesar' has no description, but 'Domitian' does.

    Undescribed property
    An AR Denarius struck 80 BC in Minturnae?
    Obverse: laureate head of Jupiter right, S·C

    Reverse: Juno Sospita standing right, wearing goat skin, holding spear and shield; snake to the right, L.PROCILI / F

    Diameter: 18 mm
    Die Orientation: -
    Weight: 3.8 g
    No notes for this coin
    Crawford 379/1, SRCV I 306, Sydenham 771, RSC I Procilia 1
    An AR Denarius Serratus struck 80 BC in Sardinia
    Obverse: head of Juno Sospita right wearing goat skin, S·C

    Reverse: Juno Sospita in biga right holding spear, reins and shield, snake below, L.PROCILI.F

    Diameter: 18.5 mm
    Die Orientation: -
    Weight: 3.9 g

    Juno Sospita offered protection to women, accompanying them throughout their lives from birth to death. She was often called upon by infertile women to aid in conception. Juno Sospita had a two temples at Rome, but her most famous temple was at Lanuvium. Her statue there, as described by Cicero and as depicted on coinage, wore a goatskin coat with a goat-horned headdress. Her attribute, the serpent, inhabited a grotto near her temple, and was fed annually by a young girl, who, if a virgin, escaped unharmed, but if not, was destroyed.

    Crawford 379/2, SRCV I 307, Sydenham 772, RSC I Procilia 2